Do you think women in STEM should be encouraged to enter the innovative business world?
We think so!
Friday 11th of February was the United Nations’ International Day of Women and Girls in Science, intended to recognise women as agents of change in the scientific community.
Read on for this year’s tribute to remarkable women in STEM.
Women are poised to play a crucial role in resolving the skills gap, and it is vital that organisations provide the opportunities and training to empower women and encourage them to pursue a career in STEM.
Joanna Kori, Head of People for Encompass Corporation
Despite leading discoveries and inventions made by women in wireless communication, computer programming, parity, stem cell research, nuclear fission, and HIV testing to name a few, STEM is still very masculinised.
Not only is this due to the downplay of these discoveries’ importance, or them being unfairly credited to men, but also to our perception of science throughout history having always been a male-dominated field.
Read below our interview with Tanya Beri, Hatch graduate and recent winner of the Young Innovators Award, to learn about the founding journey of her mobile app, CAIR London, and her advice for women in or joining the innovative STEM business world.
Tanya Beri: CAIR London
50% of the world’s oxygen is produced by the sea - I would have assumed a large percentage would be from rainforests!
Tanya's Fun Fact
CAIR London is raising awareness on the tube’s current air pollution problem, and through a mobile app generating lower polluted routes for users to travel on creating a safer journey and healthier experience.
Tanya’s socially and environmentally focused innovative business journey started when undergoing her masters degree to start a career in the field of User Experience.
As a UX consultant at Energy Systems Catapult, she has learned a lot about the different environmental and energy challenges startups face, which has significantly contributed to the founding of CAIR London.
Tanya's Motivation Behind Launching her Innovative Business
As a born and raised Londoner, the London Underground has been a key method of transport throughout my life.
“The tube is the most environmentally friendly and cost efficient way to travel around the city, however it’s not safe for the people using it (with air pollution being 7x over WHO’s recommended safe limit).
“When I was 18, I had a recurring case of tonsillitis which went on for three years until I until I eventually had to have surgery to remove them.
“I may not be able to say with certainty that this was the cause of my recurring illness, but I know that there are Londoners out there with conditions such as asthma, who should be aware of the problem, and have a choice in how they travel so it has less of an impact on their health.”
Tanya's Advice for Women Joining the STEM Business World
It’s very easy to get overwhelmed by the idea of pursuing innovation or business, because we believe there are people out there far more intelligent, talented and experienced than us.
“The truth is, the only difference between us and someone who’s ‘successful’, is that they have the ability to believe in themselves, and are willing to try even at the risk of failing.
“If you have an idea you’re passionate about, ignore the possibility that things could go wrong and instead ask yourself, what if it all goes well.
“If you fail, you’ll learn far more from that experience itself than reading about another entrepreneur’s mistakes in an audiobook.”
Are you a business woman in STEM?
Tanya's Favourite Thing about Being an Entrepreneur
Having a project that is mine, and I’m in control of the outputs.
“Work doesn’t feel like a chore a lot of the time – I often find myself picking up my laptop in the evenings whilst watching TV, or picking up my phone during the day to write down an idea.
“It’s not necessarily a good thing but I don’t switch off from work, but I don’t mind it! It can be a lot of fun and I feel like it’s really helped me from a personal development stand point.”
Does Tanya Think there's More Women in the STEM Business World?
I’ve certainly met more women willing to dive into solving scientific problems through Hatch. I don’t have a background in science, yet I am tackling an environmental/social issue and I feel like I’ve met more women in this space, diving in despite not necessarily being educated in that field.
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