The Power of Purposeful Partnerships with Dirk Bischof (Hatch) and Catherine McClen (BuddyHub)

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In this episode, we’ll hear from two leading social entrepreneurs Dirk and Catherine who have grown their businesses through purposeful partnerships . 

Dirk is the founder of Hatch Enterprise, which started in 2013. He’s been following his passion to build responsible businesses since 2004 where he’s worked on over 50 projects across the UK and Europe, focusing on sustainability, vocational training and entrepreneurship. Dirk helped set-up a number of social enterprises and a commercial Solar PV company. He’s passionate about enterprise and helping people get their ventures off the ground.

Catherine is the founder of BuddyHub . She may come from the hard-nosed world of finance but she has a way of understanding others and the difficulties they go through. She became a young carer when her mother developed early onset dementia and this really opened her eyes to the threat of loneliness. 

She has also felt the impact of mental health and multiple bereavements in her family. These experiences, together with her six years of extensive voluntary work with marginalised groups, inspired her to start BuddyHub in 2014. The vision? To create a world where anyone can make new friends and no-one needs to fear being lonely.

In this talk they discuss the best way to form alliances and collaborations, where the pitfalls might be, and how to create a value proposition within your community.

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