Hatch brings on board new partners

We are excited to announce our new partners for 2017 (alongside the continuing relationships with this year’s partner). These partnerships include The Battersea Power Station Foundation (BPSF), The Ellis Campbell Foundation, J.P Morgan, and The City Bridge Trust

The BPS Foundation is an independent UK charitable body, which has been established by the BPS shareholders to ensure that the diverse and vibrant South London communities surrounding the Power Station have access to a new source of funding. The Foundation’s aim is to fund projects to create new opportunities and make local neighbourhoods even better places. 

Thanks to the funding provided by the Foundation to support the Hatch Community programme, we were able to host our Hatch DIY Weekender, bringing together entrepreneurs and innovators.

J.P Morgan have a long history of giving grants to charities and organisations that provide access to skills training and employment, improving the growth and job creation of small businesses in disadvantaged areas. After funding our initial pilot two years ago, they are now supporting our new accelerator programme and encouraging the business growth of female-run enterprise in South London.

The Ellis Campbell Foundation
was established in 1990, and since then, the Foundation has supported organisations focussed on youth, education and heritage. We are pleased to announce that the Foundation is supporting our young entrepreneur’s programme by way of a grant.

Thanks to their contribution, we can continue with our work here in our local communities in South London!

The City Bridge Trust aim to tackle disadvantage in London through grant making, social investment, encouraging philanthropy and influencing social policy. Due to their Stepping Stone fund, we are now able to look at building our capacity and think strategically about the future of Hatch.

We’re excited to see what 2017 brings!

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