Hatch Attends Starbucks and UK Youth Coaching Session!

Recently, our lovely Hatch entrepreneurs were invited to a coaching session run by Starbucks and UK Youth. It was a chance for them to pick the brains of directors and CEO’s with all of the pressing business questions that they had buzzing around in their heads, and of course, what trip to Starbucks is complete without a coffee tasting?

During the course of the morning the entrepreneurs and young people from UK Youth broke up into small groups wherein they discussed leadership, project management and public speaking. It was great to see the interaction between the directors and entrepreneurs, and many of them spoke highly of the advice given afterwards. Perhaps one of the most important parts of the day however, was the group review and the act of turning what they learnt into viable action points that they could take to improve and grow their businesses.

Overall it was a very useful session, the UK Youth participants and our own entrepreneurs really gaining a lot from the insight given, particularly with regards to managing their projects more efficiently and becoming more confident when speaking in public- something which is super important for all entrepreneurs!

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